Dolomites International Trip
We're excited to announce that after much planning deposits are being opened ON Monday 8pm/8:15pm!
The two week option will be from Sunday 28th July to Friday 9th August (this includes the multi day hike, where you will hike each day and stay in a different mountain hut).
The one week option will be from Sunday 28th July to Sunday 4th August.
These dates (and deposits) do not include travel to Innsbruck, Austria (where we are meeting) and back from Cortina (w1) / Bolzano (w2) in Italy. That is for you to organise yourselves.
You must have been on at least one weekend club trip or have equivalent hiking experience (please discuss with a committee member) to go on this trip, and to be independent on this trip (the club is unable to be responsible for your gear, transport, insurance etc etc).
A deposit of £80 will secure your place - tickets will go live at 8pm for the two week adventure and 8:15pm for the one week adventure on Monday 12th February, as tickets are more limited for two week, you still have a chance to get tickets for the one week trip.
All the details were given in the briefing on Tuesday 30th January, the slides can be found on the 5th Feb's weekly email.
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