North Wales Trip
This trip will be an introduction to sport climbing as well as plenty of outdoor bouldering! We will leave Leeds at 18:00 on Friday 15th of November to drive to the Clogwyn Scout hall. When we arrive we will have some time to get settled in before sitting down to a meal cooked by the committee. This will be followed by lots of fun and games. On Saturday evening we will have another meal cooked by the committee followed by more games! On Sunday afternoon we will leave North Wales and head back to Leeds for an optional meal at Nazams!
As weather is a key factor in outdoor climbing the plans for each day will depend on conditions. On the day of best weather we will be heading to Denorwig Quarry for some slate sport and trad climbing. On the other day, we will be heading to Llanberris pass to explore some of the bouldering and trad venues it has to offer. If the weather is too bad to climb, we will either go for a walk (and maybe some easy scrambling) or head to a local climbing gym!
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