Wu Qin Xi

Venue Jade Studio, Leeds University Union
Starts Thu 24 Oct 12:15PM
End Thu 24 Oct 12:45PM

Qigong, with a rich history spanning over five thousand years in China, has evolved through centuries, resulting in various forms of practice. In the 1990s, traditional qigong series, such as the Eight Pieces of Brocade or Ba Duan Jin, underwent redesign and development, becoming accessible to the public. The Ba Duan Jin exercises consist of a series of moderate movements involving body stretching, bending forward, horse stance, and more. Comprising eight separate exercises, each focuses on different physical areas and energy meridians, adhering to traditional principles that regulate the body and mind to promote overall health. Presented by Xiaoping Lu, a certified instructor, who has offered free qigong sessions to our colleagues and students since 2014. When you join the session, please wear flat shoes and comfortable clothes. We look forward to welcoming you!

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