Group Mountaineering (Climbing)
Venue Almscliff
Starts Sat 5 Oct 9:00AM

This outdoor GIAG will give you a taste of what outdoor climbing is like so no previous climbing experience is required! All the required equipment will be provided on the day. We will be heading to our local crag, Almscliffe, on the 5th of October for some bouldering and top roping.

We will be meeting at Burley Park train station at 9:00 to catch a train to Weeton and then a short walk to the crag. This GIAG will have a limited number of spaces and allocations will be first come first serve! The sign up form for this trip will be released on Instagram and Facebook on the 25/09/2024.

If you already know your way around a crag then don't worry about coming to this as it is for new climbers, instead look out for the weekend and day trips we will be running throughout the year!

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Group Trips Programme

Venue Parkinson Steps

Starts Sat 28 Sep 10:00AM

End Sat 28 Sep 6:00PM


Group Triathlon

Venue Brownlee Centre

Starts Wed 2 Oct 10:30AM

End Wed 2 Oct 6:00PM


Group Leeds & You Programme

Venue LUU

Starts Mon 23 Dec 5:30PM

End Mon 23 Dec 7:30PM