Social Secretary


Nominations Start
22 February 2024 at 17:01 PM
(6 months ago)
Nominations End
12 March 2024 at 23:29 PM
(5 months ago)
Voting Start
12 March 2024 at 23:30 PM
(5 months ago)
Voting End
13 March 2024 at 23:30 PM
(5 months ago)
Elected positions
Only active members of Mountaineering (Climbing) can vote in this election

There will be two social secs this year, you’ll be responsible for fostering a fun, welcoming and diverse community of climbers.

  • Organising Packhorse Wednesdays
  • Being friendly faces, and getting to know new members of the club
  • Organising games and evening entertainment on trips
  • Having a range of socials that are creative, alcohol free and non-climbing related
  • Organise bigger events like Otley Runs, Christmas Ceilidh, Summer Ball and Charity fundraisers (can work with comp secs on this)

As social secs you will need to be social, proactive, organised and dedicated to the club. It is also important that you can work collaboratively with your other social secs to share the load and communicate with external organisations to organise events

Position Candidates

Thomas Fowler

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RON (Re-open Nominations)

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Colette Robertson

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