NUS Delegate Election 2022/23

Nominations Start
31 October 2022 at 09:00 AM
(1 year ago)
Nominations End
25 November 2022 at 16:00 PM
(1 year ago)
Voting Start
5 December 2022 at 07:00 AM
(1 year ago)
Voting End
9 December 2022 at 23:59 PM
(1 year ago)
Elected positions

Delegates represent you and LUU on a national level at conference - voting on motions and for elected positions. They'll also be able to attend workshops and other sessions, as well as explore Liverpool with likeminded student campaigners.

For NUS National Conference we have space for 12 Delegates - at least half of whom must identify as women.

To help us achieve that, we have 6 'Open Positions' that anyone can run for and another 6 'Reserved Positions' that only candidates who identify as women can run for.

Position Candidates

Nikita Zychowicz

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Ella Williams

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Sanjay Thekepatt

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RON (Re-open Nominations)

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Naomi Szeto

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Emily Tabern

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Aurel Thiofilus

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Yangchun Wang

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Haryati Mohammed

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Michail Marinakis

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Kris Sekhsaria

View Candidate Statement