Hi everyone! My name is Hannah Catterall, and I am the current elected Wellbeing Officer here at LUU. I am now running to be an NUS Delegate, to take my priorities from Leeds to a national conference.
As the Wellbeing Officer, my day-to-day responsibilities include meetings and projects focused on topics such as housing, mental health, academic stress, cost of living, sustainability, and more. I am passionate about so many issues, but I have prioritised three which I would like to take to NUS’ National Conference, in hopes of encouraging national change.
Cost of Living:
It is no secret that the maintenance loan just doesn't cut it. Inflation has risen and the cost of living has risen, but the money that students’ are expected to live on has not. Students are left with so little to live on, that they are working jobs which demand so much of their time. Time that they should dedicate to their studies. This impacts a student’s ability to focus, thrive, and make the most of extracurricular activities like societies, which can be so vital to the student experience. Students should not have to worry about eating, paying bills and rent, and praying for other necessities; they have enough to worry about with their degree.
Working with the NUS and other Delegates I aim to:
Pressure the government to reconsider their maintenance loan system and grant more equal loans amongst students, considering factors outside of parental income.
Pressure universities to increase their financial assistance funds, and support more projects like the Basic Needs Hub project UoL and LUU have partnered on.
Mental Health:
Every day, I encounter a student who is struggling with their mental health. Whilst Leeds has support systems in place like our LUU Advice service, wellbeing workshops, the university’s Counselling and Wellbeing Service, and pastoral support in schools, these services do not reach all our students. Some students, unfortunately, fall through the gaps. Further, I know that many universities do not have the same support networks that Leeds has. A students’ mental health could be impacted by health issues, relationship issues, bereavement, and the list goes on. Circumstances outside academics can influence their academic achievement, but academic stress and pressure can also prevent a student from achieving high marks.
Working with the NUS and other Delegates I aim to:
Encourage a bigger platform for the Student Minds’ Mental Health Charter, and make mental health a priority.
Urge the government to reconsider the statutory duty of care proposed by Universities’ UK
Most UK cities have a student housing crisis. Whether there simply are not enough houses to go around, conditions are poor, or the rent is too expensive, it is not uncommon for a UK student to experience one (or all) of these issues. Students are also often taken advantage of by landlords, because they are first-time renters, and do not know their rights and entitlements. What’s more, is that students are expecting to live like this for the foreseeable, as the prospect of having a mortgage feels further and further out of reach. This means that student housing could become a bigger issue, as the demand for houses will be dominated by a larger number of young people - including graduates and professionals - than ever before. I am a trustee of Unipol, a student housing charity based in Leeds, so I am acutely aware of how these factors impact Leeds students. However, I want to take my knowledge to the next level and explore what impact I could have nationally; students should not be subject to poor living conditions as a ‘right of passage’.
Working with the NUS and other Delegates I want to:
Pressure the government to prioritise student housing, and consider students’ lived experiences before enacting the Renters’ Reform Bill.
Work with charities like Unipol to hold landlords accountable and provide a better standard of living for students nationwide - and it is crucial that students are protected and know their rights.
These are big ambitions, as these are issues which impact most students nationwide. I am hopeful that the NUS Conference will provide the platform and collaboration necessary to work with other Delegates on these issues. I would very much appreciate your support and vote!