Fencing EGM, December 2023


Nominations Start
5 December 2023 at 17:31 PM
(9 months ago)
Nominations End
12 December 2023 at 17:31 PM
(9 months ago)
Voting Start
12 December 2023 at 17:32 PM
(9 months ago)
Voting End
19 December 2023 at 19:00 PM
(8 months ago)

To re-hold elections for potential new social and wellbeing secretaries.

Election Positions

Social Secretary

Nominations are from 5 Dec 2023 17:31 PM to 12 Dec 2023 17:31 PM
Voting is live from 12 Dec 2023 17:32 PM to 19 Dec 2023 19:00 PM
Elects 2 Roles

Only active members of Fencing can vote in this election