Should LUU continue its affiliation with NUS UK?

NUS UK Referendum

Nominations Start
6 May 2024 at 13:54 PM
(4 months ago)
Nominations End
6 May 2024 at 15:55 PM
(4 months ago)
Voting Start
13 May 2024 at 09:30 AM
(3 months ago)
Voting End
16 May 2024 at 15:00 PM
(3 months ago)
Voting System
First Past The Post
Elected positions

As students, your choices will be;

Abstain - I choose to note vote either yes or no. This does count towards quoracy.

No - Disaffiliate from NUS (UK)

Yes - Remain Affiliated to NUS (UK)

In order to be a valid (quorate) referendum, there needs 1,500 votes to ensure it is representative of LUU members. If it does not reach 1,500 votes, it will not be valid, and LUU will remain affiliated to NUS UK.

Position Candidates

Yes - Continue Affiliation with NUS (UK)

View Candidate Statement

No - Disaffiliate from NUS (UK)

View Candidate Statement

View Candidate Poster


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