LUU Mountaineering EGM

Mountaineering (Climbing)

Nominations Start
7 February 2024 at 17:31 PM
(7 months ago)
Nominations End
7 February 2024 at 17:35 PM
(7 months ago)
Voting Start
7 February 2024 at 18:30 PM
(7 months ago)
Voting End
14 February 2024 at 16:30 PM
(7 months ago)

Our Journal team has raised an amendment to the constitution, to better establish what the Journal is and how it is run.

For those of you who don’t know, the journal was a historical publication produced by the club, that was reborn last year thanks to the efforts of Joe and Sahara. Last year we had two issues documenting the escapades of LUUMC members and articles interviewing climbers pushing the bounds of the sport. It was an homage to the West Yorkshire climbing community.

This amendment would situate the Journal formally within the club and create a new defined 'Journal Representative' role, who will have access to the engage administration tools to aid running the finances of the journal. The representative will l have no other committee rights nor responsibilities.

Members get the right to vote for or against this amendment. In the case that the amendment passes, Nik Damarell will take on the role of Journal Representative until the AGM when the new representative will be elected.

Members are also free to vote against this amendment if they do not wish for the Journal to be formalised as described in the amendment.

For more detail the exact amendment is as follows:

12 The Journal

12.1 ‘The Journal’ is a creative project within the club with the purpose of producing an annual publication documenting the activities of the club and the wider climbing scene.

12.1.1 For clarity, the name of the publication produced doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘The Journal’.

12.1.2 For the rest of this document, ‘Journal’ may be used to refer to this project.

12.1.3 The Journal will only happen if someone is willing to take on the project. In the case no one takes it on, the activities of the Journals will be paused.

12.2 To run the Journal there must be one elected ‘Journal Representative’.

12.2.1 This is an administrative position which allows the Journal team access to the necessary accounts to run the project.

12.2.2 While this is a committee role, their rights and responsibilities are different to those of the main committee.

12.2.3 Rights of the Journal Representative are:

To appoint a ‘Journal Team’ to aid in the production of the publication.

The Journal Representative is exempt from attending committee meetings as mentioned in clause 5.3.

The Journal Representative will have backend engage access equivalent to Core Officers in order to:

Have access to the Journal’s bank account held with the LUU Cash Office.

Have access to approve expenses for the Journal.

Have access to create products on engage.

12.3 There may also be any number of additional members of the ‘Journal Team’ who will be informal reps. For clarity: the ‘Journal Representative’ is also a member of the ‘Journal Team’.

12.3.1 Rights of the Journal Team:

Any member of the Journal Team may be reimbursed for any reasonable expenditure related to the activities of the Journal.

Access to online/social accounts of the Journal.

Ability to step down from the project if one cannot meet the responsibilities.

12.3.2 Responsibilities of the Journal Team:

Produce at least one publication annually (for print and/or screen).

Produce a termly overview and expense report.

Create a detailed annual report of spending for the AGM.

To produce/pass on a detailed ‘hand-over document’ with all relevant information one would need to continue the project.

12.3 There will be a sub-account for The Journal underneath the society's main account held with the LUU Cash Office.

12.3.1 This money will be for the activities of the Journal and for use by the Journal Representative and their team only.

12.3.2 After a period of 2 years that the Journal has been completely inactive, the remainder of the Journal’s money may be dissolved into the club’s main account with the exception of £300 (less if the account is below this amount), which will remain in the Journal’s account in the case that someone wishes to start the project in the future.

12.3.3 The Journal’s finances will be managed by the Journal Team and they will be required to give an annual report of spending at the AGM.

12.4 General committee responsibilities for the Journal:

12.4.1 The committee (with the support of the Journal Team if there is one) has a responsibility to ensure that all members of the club are aware of the project and are free to get involved if they wish to.

12.4.2 Core Officers will be given the opportunity to review any publication produced or proposed activity held by the Journal before release to ensure the integrity of the club is maintained.

Election Positions

Mountaineering EGM

Nominations are from 7 Feb 2024 17:31 PM to 7 Feb 2024 17:35 PM
Voting is live from 7 Feb 2024 18:30 PM to 14 Feb 2024 16:30 PM
Elects 1 Role

Only active members of Mountaineering (Climbing) can vote in this election