Donor Recruitment Coordinator

Leeds Marrow AGM 22/23

Nominations Start
2 April 2023 at 09:00 AM
(1 year ago)
Nominations End
30 April 2023 at 17:00 PM
(1 year ago)
Voting Start
1 May 2023 at 09:00 AM
(1 year ago)
Voting End
7 May 2023 at 17:00 PM
(1 year ago)
Elected positions
Only active members of Leeds Marrow can vote in this election

No previous experience required as you will be fully supported and trained by our president and vice president. Just a passion for helping others needed! Great for anyone who wants experience organising and planning events 

* 2 positions available!

Role Responsibilities:

- Organise donor recruitment events: room/ location booking, supply ordering, volunteer shift posting

- Run donor recruitment events: ensure proper set up and close down, ensure swab kits are collected by couriers to be sent back to Anthony Nolan for processing

- Organise society collaborations for recruitment at society sessions

*By signing up for this position you are agreeing to attend most- all donor recruitment events, since you are involved in the organisation you can work these around yourself to a degree. This is why we ideally have two DRs to ensure at least 1 is present for set up or close of all events. This means an in person time commitment of around 9 hours per month and admin time commitment of around 5 hours per month

Position Candidates

RON (Re-open Nominations)

View Candidate Statement