Education Officer

LeadLUU 2024

Nominations Start
6 February 2024 at 07:00 AM
(7 months ago)
Nominations End
12 February 2024 at 07:01 AM
(6 months ago)
Voting Start
26 February 2024 at 07:00 AM
(6 months ago)
Voting End
29 February 2024 at 23:59 PM
(6 months ago)
Voting System
Leeds - STV
Elected positions

Education Officer aims to provide you with the best academic experience. They work on University Challenge, and they might look into hidden costs within the curriculum, and artificial intelligence within academia.

Position Candidates

RON (Re-open Nominations)

Shivani Gug (Don't be a Mug, Vote Gug!)

  • 1. Faster and Higher Quality Feedback
  • 2. Integrating Home and International student communities
  • 3. Personal Welfare support in each faculty

Owen Taylor

  • Vote For Owen - Taylor Your Education To You
  • Improved Assessment Feedback And Better A.I. Communication!
  • Re-build Relationships Between Students and Personal Tutors!

Beth Irving

  • Decolonisation and sustainability in the curriculum
  • University-wide ethical careers policy
  • Kick out fossil fuels, arms and border control

Manisha ( I PURPLE U , U PURPLE ME )

  • New Student Complaint portal to raise voices
  • Perform Student Research to mitigating circumstances
  • Better Virtual Learning Environment